“Angels Without Wings”

Music, News

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time since the last update, and a lot has happened! Most notably, of course, the devastating Covid 19 pandemic.

As a tribute to the NHS staff and front-line workers who have worked tirelessly, and at great cost, to help get us all through this, Bentley Carr has collaborated with local vocalist Craig Barnes to produce a song in their honour. …

“The Wizardstone of Tandris”: availability update!

Books, News

This is a brief update to let you know that “The Wizardstone of Tandris” is now available via Aspect’s Amazon store front, as well as the online store for Waterstones.

For more details, including links to the book’s product page at each of the retailers, head over to the main “The Wizardstone of Tandris” page and follow the link for whichever internet-based purveyor of the printed word you like the most!

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